- Now that I've been living the meatless life for well over a year and have been fully vegan (to the best of my knowledge and ability) for almost 6 months, I realize how much valuable information I've garnered along the way. Now, I'm still learning, and almost every day I learn a new fact about whole foods or learn about vegan-friendly foods and other resources, but now seems a good time to pass along some information.
- First of all, check out the Vegan News items down the right side of this blog page. They change every day, so check here often, and you'll get up on a lot of the sorts of things I'm going to share here as I do.
- Next, consider getting a subscription to VegNews or pick up a current issue at Borders or other comprehensive newstands. It comes out every other month, and I savor each issue for the articles and even the advertising. Here I have learned about new foods (such as Daiya vegan cheese, Sequel's Vega Smoothie Infusion, Earth Balance new soy-free buttery spread, and so much more. The magazine is a great source of vegan websites, restaurants, brick-and-mortar stores and e-stores and all sorts of other cool info. I love the recipes, and everything is vegan! That's right, everything!
- Consult the Vegetarian Resource Group for their awesome information on vegan protein rquirements and so much else.
- Check out the Vegan Product or Not site to check on foods you like for their "vegan-ness". There's a similar index for restaurant chains at Abolitionist Vegans that I have found helpful.
- Check out The Vegan Dietitian, an awesome and informative blog on living the healthy vegan life from a vegan and registered dietitian who has helped vegans the world over better understand and address their protein requirements.
- There's a fund of important information on cruelty-free products at Veg Family.
- Visit VeganHealth.org for all sorts of references and resources for the conscientious vegan.
- Happy Cow offers links to many handy vegan-friendly sites.

There are so many authors who have brought me to my present vegan state. Here are the ones that made the biggest impression:
- The China Study, by Collin Campbell, MD
- Eat to Live, by Joel Fuhrman, MD
- The Engine 2 Diet, by Rip Esselstyn
And then there are the cookbooks that are helping me eat incredibly deliciously as a vegan:
- Vegan with a Vengeance, by Isa Chandra Moskowitz
- Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World, by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Romero
- Vegan Soul Kitchen, by chef Bryant Terry
And a few of the blogs I've enjoyed for great vegan recipes:
That's about it for today. Happy clicking! and Happy and Healthy Eating, Healthy Planet!